I know of brothers who smuggled money from a European branch office to the Russian branch when they went for a visit. It was not allowed for Russian witnesses to be funded with foreign money
George One Time
JoinedPosts by George One Time
by lastmanstanding inthe international assemblies are on... and the missionaries are coming home... and leaving richer.. i have, in all seriousness, been told by a co that the missionaries going home have large sums of money hidden in their luggage as they go back to their assignments.
he related how one couple was almost caught with the undeclared cash as they passed through customs.. this has been going on for quite some time, the watchtower using missionaries are mules.. i bet with all the kingdumb hall sales the pace has picked up..
16.000 JWs rebel against Bethel and GB
by Edison Trent insome hot news:.
last weekend was a convention in frankfurt, germany and 11 other locations.
all were connected to the international convention in berlin.. in sum about 94.000 attended.
George One Time
What I can confirm is that at the arabic assemblies in Germany, individuals took drums or other insturments and they started playing music during the break, with lots of brothers and sisters participating in singing. It was not as part of the official program, however is was quite huge.
I guess in Germany they have some more traditions. A lot of the preaching has been street witnessing instead of house-to-house, even before the carts. Just standing on the street for hours and counting time.
They have so many old brothers and sisters too. So things are very well over there
Looking for new Bethelites (May 2019 Broadcast)
by George One Time inwanted - young, healthy, unmarried brothers that do not look at pornography.
of course they should not masturbate too, though we do not mention this requirement specifically.
and they should be honest about it.
George One Time
Wanted - Young, healthy, unmarried brothers that do not look at pornography. Of course they should not masturbate too, though we do not mention this requirement specifically. And they should be honest about it
Dutch (ex) JWs: Online survey sexual abuse within JW Netherlands by Utrecht University
by jochie insince today dutch (ex)jws are asked to fill out an online survey by utrecht university with regard to (child) sexual abuse.as chairman of reclaimed voices i call on all dutch speaking (ex) jws to fill out this survey in case you were a victim of abuse or in case you know of someone else that was abused within the jehovah's witnesseswith your participation you contribute to an important investigation that is carried out.link to the survey: https://usbo.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/sv_4hkmbqjhlm0uhmh
George One Time
After the special talk this weekend. An announcement was made to the congregetion that victims of sexual abuse or those who know them can participate in this survey.
Out of the mouths of PIMOs
by dubstepped innew episode twenty five - daniel is a pimo jehovah's witness.
pimo – \pee-moe\ noun – short for physically in, mentally out, a person held captive to the cult of jehovah’s witnesses because although they are awake, to let others know would cost them everything they’ve ever known.
they stay in physically to keep spouses, family, friends, the only social structure that they’ve ever been allowed to have.
George One Time
I am also a PIMO, but I agree withs DOC. Can you give a summary, or a condensed version? Love to learn more, really, but I do not have so much time.
The Netherlands - an independent inquiry into sexual abuse by the Jehovah’s Witnesses.
by George One Time inhttps://www.dutchnews.nl/news/2019/01/utrecht-university-to-investigate-sex-abuse-claims-against-jehovahs-witnesses/.
https://www.trouw.nl/home/overheid-laat-onderzoeken-hoe-jehovah-s-getuigen-omgaan-met-misbruik~aa9e6840/ (in dutch).
Did you actually read the bible end to end?
by Ultimate Axiom inin my ten years as a witness i never read the whole bible end to end, what with four magazines a month, the book study, meetings and talk preparations, there just wasn’t the time.
i knew all the important references to ‘prove’ the various jw doctrines, and the cherry picked chapters that help foster the idea that it’s a good book, but that’s not reading it.
well after nearly forty years out, i decided i would do it.
George One Time
I read it quite a few times and it helped me eventualy to wake up.
RBC... something I heard this weekend and I want to confirm
by StarTrekAngel ini have not been around much or even cared to dig into jw land.
i been working on moving to a new place and leaving behind my old jw past, even the neighborhood where it all happened.. but something i heard this weekend had me thinking.
my mother in law has a small, run down wooden home near the kh where we used to attend.
George One Time
Also if a KH has a home connected to it that is to be used by a CO that home has to meet certain qualifications.
New Spanish speaking exjw YouTube channel has 48,543 subscribers • 3,178,290 views in just 26 days
by Not_Culty inhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jcahege9us.
George One Time
I was looking at the 2018 numbers. The countries where Portugese is spoken still have quite some growth. Angola Brazil and Mozambique. So the English and Spanish are getting informed.... but some are not being reached yet with the good news about ttatt
"Unacceptable practice of privacy laws" Norway News. Jehovah's Witnesses
by Not_Culty inhttps://www.fvn.no/mening/leder/i/ddw6kq/leder-uakseptabel-personvern-praksis.
unacceptable practice of privacy laws.
the way jehovah's witnesses handle sensitive personal information is not compatible with basic human rights in a modern society.. .
George One Time
I wonder what information is still stored about disfellowshipped ones in Europe.
And at our meeting (in the Netherlands) it was said brothers and sisters could still pass on adresses of foreign language speaking persons without their consent.